- Scitags will be presented at FOSDEM 2025 this Sunday by Luca Bassi
- In this session: https://fosdem.org/2025/schedule/track/network/
- Talk is at https://www.overleaf.com/read/phwhjtnjzktr#c09240
- Please send any feedback via overleaf or directly to Luca
- CHEP paper deadline was postponed to end of February
- Missing Kafka input/output plugin (A: Andy Lake)
LHCb Meeting
- Meeting took place last week - discussed potential support of scitags in DIRAC and LHCb
- DIRAC is a major data management system used by many other science domains (similar to Rucio)
- Got positive feedback; DIRAC team will look at our specs and evaluate effort required
Meeting with GEANT (https://indico.cern.ch/event/1502928/)
- Meeting with GEANT WP6 team
- Discussed their potential involvement in Scitags (via incubator project) - to be followed up Tim
- Also discussed deployment of Scitags collector (and its potential use by GEANT operations)
- flowd-go evaluation/review (A: Marian, Tristan)
- Continued with the validation; fireflies parsing now works fine
- Opened some follow up issues that I have found
2025 objectives that we discussed at the last meeting, please let me know if you have any comments, suggestions
- Production infrastructure for firefly collectors
- Full CERN T0 production sending fireflies (including default non-marked traffic)
- Continous rollout of fireflies to all sites running supported storages (in collab. with the experiments)
- Collaboration with ESnet High-Touch to showcase we mini-challenge
- Understand how we can correlate scitags and high-touch and show benefits
- Sites network profiling - potential benefit for sites deploying flowd/go
- New data - will require some learning
- Production deployment of packet marking
- We have pre-production running at UCSD/NPR
- Improve our understanding of packet marking performance (flow label, ext. headers) - SC25 ?