Key4hep Discussion
CERN Key4hep Discussion
Attendees: Andre, Leonhard, Juan, Mateusz, Swathi
Date: January 28, 2024
## News
* Summer student project deadline: January 26, 2025
* SFT deadline January 20
* Thanks!
## Round The Table
### Leonhard
* Understood problem about the conversion of optimal observables.
* Missing transposing of a matrix
* Closure check now is in agreement.
* Couplings still cannot be extracted, same as for LEP
* Check with ILD full sim data
* One of the correlations has the wrong sign
* Detector resolution has almost no effect, almost no difference between truth and fullsim result
* added to ECFA report update
* Cleanup all the code now
### Andre
* EDM4hep Reader for DD4hep merged
* New DD4hep tag
### Mateusz
* podio
* collection::iterators are now actual iterators
* collections, synchronise the collection APIs with same typedefs, iterators, etc.
* relationRanges are now `std::`views
* Documentation
* Script to pull other repos now uses --force to actually update
* EDM4hep has updated doxygen
* with dark mode!
* Added globbing for podioReader
* There are too many different readers in c++ and python and they are all different
* Attended MPI workshop
* Mostly about MPI + OpenMP
### Juan
* Presentation at US FCC planning workshop in December 19, 2024
* Senior people, pedagogical presentation
* New key4hep-spack build for nightlies.
* setup scripts need updating
* Cannot concretise key4hep-spack environments against latest spack tag
* Geant4 datafile related version not upstreamed, and other things
* Needs another environment without Geant4 stuff
* LCGCmake key4hep stack
* Cannot build on top of the stack because of gold linker
* ilcpackages installing cmake files in the wrong place
* clang-format in gcc14
* Using MarlinWrapper with IOSvc
* Debugging some user issues
* Please ask them to open issues
### Swathi
* Convert Lar geometry information code into a plugin that can be run on-demand
* Converting last DDMarlinPandora algorithms into DDGaudiPandora
* Final presentation on February 24th
* ICHEP proceedings for Key4hep accepted and online
## AOB
* CHEP proceedings deadline: January 31st.
* Extended to February 28th
## Next Meeting
February 4, 2024