Techwatch WG

31/2-028 (CERN)



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Shigeki Misawa (Brookhaven National Laboratory (US)), Andrea Sciabà (CERN), Andrea Chierici (Universita e INFN, Bologna (IT))

Round table to monitor progress on subgroup activities


Shigeki Misawa
Zoom Meeting ID
Andrea Sciabà
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    • 1
      Preparation for the Spring 2025 HEPiX Workshop

      Discussion of the two talks to be presented by the working group at the Spring HEPiX workshop and a call for working group members that are interested in helping create content for the talks. The first talk is a topical presentation on the state of AI/GPU technology at this point in time and the second is an update of previous working group presentations on the general state of computing, storage, and network technology.

    • 2
      Topics and Venues for future talks

      Discussion on possible topics for future talks. Possible topics include the following

      1) The financial and technical impact of cloud providers on the type and cost of equipment that will be available in the future.

      2) The status of semiconductor manufacturing

      3) The status of the general CPU market

    • 3