20 February 2025
Europe/Zurich timezone

Contribution List

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Andrew Bohdan Hanushevsky (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory (US)), Guilherme Amadio (CERN)
20/02/2025, 15:30
Julien Leduc (CERN)
20/02/2025, 16:00
Andreas Joachim Peters (CERN), Elvin Alin Sindrilaru (CERN)
20/02/2025, 16:05
Mihai Patrascoiu (CERN)
20/02/2025, 16:10
Danilo Piparo (CERN)
20/02/2025, 16:15
Dr Adrian Sevcenco (Institute of Space Science subsidiary of INFLPR (RO)), Costin Grigoras (CERN), Latchezar Betev (CERN)
20/02/2025, 16:20
Alessandra Forti (The University of Manchester (GB)), Mario Lassnig (CERN)
20/02/2025, 16:25
Dmytro Kovalskyi (Massachusetts Inst. of Technology (US)), Elizabeth Sexton-Kennedy (Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US))
20/02/2025, 16:30
Ben Couturier (CERN), Christophe Haen (CERN)
20/02/2025, 16:35
Alessandro Di Girolamo (CERN), Simone Campana (CERN)
20/02/2025, 16:40
Soren Lars Gerald Fleischer
20/02/2025, 16:45
Jyothish Thomas (STFC)
20/02/2025, 16:50
Brian Paul Bockelman (University of Wisconsin Madison (US))
20/02/2025, 16:55

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