B&Q invited theory talk: the $T_{4c}$ tetraquark production at LHCb
Paper: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.12070
We develop the formalism for production of a fully heavy tetraquark and apply it to the calculation of $pp\to T_{4c}+X$ cross-sections. We demonstrate that the production cross-section of a fully heavy tetraquark, even if it is a diquark-antidiquark cluster, can be obtained in the meson-like basis, for which the spin-color projection technique is well established. Prompted by the recent LHC data, we perform a pQCD calculation of O($α_s^5$) short-distance factors in the dominant channel of gluon fusion, and match these to the four-body $T_{4c}$ wave functions in order to obtain the unpolarized $T_{4c}(0^{++},1^{+−},2^{++})$ cross-sections. We predict the absolute values as well as the dσ/dpT spectra in the kinematic ranges accessible at LHCb. From the comparison with the signal yield at LHCb we derive the constraints on the $T_{4c}$ candidates for X(6900) and observe that X(6900) is compatible with a $2^{++}(2S)$ state.
In the course of future searches extending the first investigations, it will be useful to measure the cross-sections of the resonant di-$J/\psi$ component, such as, $\sigma(pp\to X(6900))⋅Br(J/\psi J/\psi)$. The comparison of the measured cross-sections with the theoretical predictions can probe the tetraquark nature of the structures observed in the di-$J/\psi$ mass spectrum. A good agreement will hint at a tetraquark nature. In this regard, we encourage experimentalists in LHCb to conduct the cross-section measurement for the resonant di-$J/\psi$ component in the fiducial ($p_{T}^{di-J/\psi}, η^{di-J/\psi})$ volume.