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HEARTS RP discussion

864/2-D17 (CERN)



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  • Evolution of residual dose levels and collective dose, including implications for 2025 DIMR, access to the irradiation facility for users
  • Activation of irradiated user boards, organisation of TREC measurements after tests.
  • CERAP contract and outlook for 2025
  • (any other topics of common interest)

RP meeting HEARTS minutes

Participants: Arnaud Devienne, Angelito Herve, Federico Ravotti, Daniel Soderstrom, Natalia Emriskova, Andreas Waets
  • In general there is positive feedback from RP, we are doing things in the correct way.
  • 150 accesses (!) were made during the user run time period (i.e. when we had RP support).
  • For 2025 we can envisage a more dedicated RP measurement a la the Cu beam stopper which can be measured at well-defined times during the ion irradiation for RP benchmarks.
  • A second version of the WDP for IMPACT 237518 was made by Arnaud and Angelito due to errors with the IMPACT interface. There was a wrong collective dose for this IMPACT since there was also a wrong working time declared in the IMPACT which gets propagated to the DIMAR and cannot be changed. Hence the working time needs to be correctly estimated.
  • For 2025 we can have a single DIMR  at ALARA level 2 with different IMPACTS, necessary to create WDP that is as realistic as can be estimated based on the RP measurements of dose rates/levels from 2024.
  • The expectation for 2025 is that with all the improvements that will be made (laser alignment system, optimisation of access time, ...) we can even stay within ALARA level 1.
  • The DIMR owner/responsible can view the collective and individual doses "live" during the run to monitor.
  • In the 157/R-O21 buffer zone we can think of an optimised system to distinguish equipment to be measured/not yet declassified/declassified, taking into account that some users would like to keep their equipment confidential.
  • The default for RP measurements of irradiated equipment should be 24h, not directly after the irradiation. To be communictaed as such to the users.
  • A disclaimer for radioactive shipment of material is also to be made, in case the user has no RP officer/framework we cannot ship it back. A workaround solution by sending it to a nearby/affiliated university or institute could be made.
  • Two approaches to improve the mandatory controlled area course framework for users:
    • On a global CERN level: check if the course content can be more specific and/or reduced to half a day with more modules online, this would be the most sustainable for the future.
    • For the upcoming test campaign: extend the CERAP RP contract to have more training slots available.
  • The HEARTS run can be a good test for a new controlled area access training scheme.
  • We can stop assigning names of users to DMCs, we can simply work with a limited number of pool dosimeters (which then also limits the amount of people inside the irradiation area).
  • The RP survey is requested by OP and is optional, it was not done in 2024 as opposed to 2023. Hence it needs to be checked with OP that this does not clash with the user run.
  • The handover to ion configuration couldhappen on Oct. 29.
  • There is a technical stop 23-24th of June, 4 slots potentially to be used with Oxygen beams.
  • The MWPC cable length should be checked for the new position.
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