2025 welcome LNO section meeting

6/R-012 - conference room (CERN)

6/R-012 - conference room


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Rogelio Tomas Garcia
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LNO section meeting on the new ABP structure and round table discussion

Rogelio presents the new ABP group structure. Details on the assignment of group members and collaborators to the ABP sections as well as a list of LNO activities and challenges for 2025 are summarized on his slides. Riccardo and Laurent are now in the new Computational Accelerator Physics section. LNO focuses on the optics related aspects of all machines including future accelerator studies. The two staff members Jacqueline Keintzel and Ghislain Roy are now in this section and a new LD staff position will be coming up soon. Several fellows and a technical student are also expected to join during this year. The CERN ABP attendance to IPAC’25 and the FCC week has been finalized by the management and the participants been informed. There have been many student applications of which only a fraction will be able to receive financial support. Rogelio plans to organize shorter LNO meetings every two or three weeks and said he will be happy for feedback and proposals. Ghislain encourages him to fix and communicate dates well in advance.

The rest of the meeting was a round table discussion. Some points from this discussion:
Riccardo, now in the CAP section, that plans to meet shortly every week Friday morning at 9:00, continues his activities related to SPS and HL-LHC optics in close collaboration with this section. Much of the CAP activities will be related to the multi-platform Xsuite Python toolkit, featured in Giovanni Iadarola’s A&T seminar yesterday. Xsuite is now in  a consolidation phase and feedback from users with requests and reports on issues encouraged via https://github.com/xsuite/xsuite/issues . A migration of all active optics to Xsuite is planned. There have been first discussions on an optics uploader for operations with Michi Hostettler / BE-OP-LHC. There will be a change of the LHC reference frame this year in view of the HL-LHC. Data from alignment and field quality of HL-LHC magnets is becoming to be available. A new optics version HL-LHC 1.9 including a complete operational cycle is planned.
Satya says she is preparing her presentations related to Alignment and Interaction Point Optics Tuning for eeFACT2025.
Helmut mentions ongoing work in collaboration with Manuela Boscolo and Andrea Ciarma related to FCC-MDI including non-local solenoid compensation inspired by DAPHNE and LEP experience.
Jacqueline has been appointed as secretary of the PPG for the current European Strategy update with Gianluigi Arduini representing the accelerator sector, and continues her activities related to FCC-EPOL, OMC, LHC and SuperKEKB.
Felix is involved in LHC and LEIR (Oxygen, Neon, Lead) commissioning and works with Joschua Dilly who just had a presentation related to D2 field quality in this weeks WP2 meeting  and Joshua Mark Gray on activities using AC dipoles.
With Vera Cilento, BDS design activities for CLIC and HALHF have now moved to this section. She has been involved in the CLIC readiness report that is currently being finalized and she is preparing her presentation for the upcoming HALHF workshop.
Lewis Kennedy works with Rogelio on the CLIC final focus design on a shortening for 300 GeV and 1.5 TeV.
Sasha Jade Horney is active on LHC optics energy dependent error studies and preparing for an FCC related meeting next week.
Christian Goffing works on beam based alignment studies for FCC starting with arcs, followed by IR, and involved in beam tests at KARA.
Ghislain brings into this section his broad experience including SLC, LEP, Nuclear Safety, and is focusing now on FCC optics development with responsibilities for the FCC-ee-lattice repository.
Kyriacos says his main activities are now mostly with FCC and in particular injection and optimizing collimation efficiency.
Ewen is active on optics measurements and correction including non-linearities for LHC and more recently also SPS.

There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.
    • 10:00 10:20
      Welcome to 2025 20m
      Speaker: Rogelio Tomas Garcia (CERN)
    • 10:20 11:10
      Round table 50m