The last decades have witnessed an accelerated development of quantum technologies, in particular quantum computers and analog quantum simulators, which promise one day to access a new class of problems that can not be solved classically. The interest in applying these developments in quantum information science (QIS) to other fields has been ample, with quantum algorithms helping to identify new molecular structures to solve complex pattern-finding problems. Nonetheless, in the realm of high energy physics (HEP), the application of QIS-inspired techniques is still in its infancy. 

In this workshop, we aim to bring together specialists in different aspects of QIS to explore novel applications of cutting-edge methods, such as tensor networks and quantum simulation, in the context of HEP and nuclear physics. In particular, one of the main goals will be to understand how QIS methods can help address real-time problems in QFT, such as S-matrix scattering, and describe out-of-equilibrium dynamics, which is of great relevance for high-energy nuclear processes.

Registration for this event is currently open.