- CHEP paper submitted, thanks to all who contributed
- Meeting with GEANT operations (postponed)
- ISE call took place just before this meeting, we discussed ISE submission procedure
- Plan to update our web page (let me know if you plan to present Scitags at any future events)
- Missing Kafka input/output plugin (A: Andy Lake)
- Updated MR based on some findings from the reboot recovery
dCache Meeting
- Two meetings this week, got introduction to the dCache codebase
- Discussed ways how fireflies can be implemented in dCache
- I wrote an initial prototype to parse HTTP and XRootD (needs testing and debugging)
- flowd-go evaluation/review (A: Marian, Tristan)
- StoRM workflow works fine as well
- Packaging and publishing TBD
- Added firefly configuration as part of the standard CMS xrootd configuration
- They plan to start with the upgrade campaign soon
- Added two more activities
- EOS ATLAS now publishing fireflies, can be seen at:
- https://dashboard.stardust.es.net/d/b8dddac0-5b24-4739-9c8d-e88a05c1344f/scientific-network-tags3a-rande-dashboard?orgId=2&var-site=CERN&var-experiment=All&var-activity=All