Online meeting FCC x Swiss Science Journalists
A Feasibility Study for a Future Circular Collider (FCC) is currently ongoing at CERN, set to conclude in Spring 2025. The study evaluates viability of this potential successor of the current Large Hadron Collider, with a particular focus on its geological aspects, the environmental impact, the infrastructure and technical aspects to ensure the efficiency and durability of such a facility.
On the 12 March, Michael Benedikt, leader of the FCC Feasibility Study, and Patrick Janot, coordinator of FCC physics and experiments will be available to meet online with Swiss Science journalists from 10h30 to 11h30 (Geneva time). After a very short introduction, they will take questions on topics ranging from the physics case of such a machine to its geological feasibility and environmental impact, or the required infrastructures and civil engineering.
This online meeting will be held in English.