26 March 2025
Europe/Zurich timezone

Open tour to the ALICE exibition and the ALICE cavern
(surface + underground)

Safety info:

Since February 2025, visits are possible as of 12 years old (no longer as of 16 y.o.).
Access for pregnant women is no longer restricted.

Because of the residual stray magnetic fields, visitors with pacemakers and other active electronic implants are not allowed to take part in the underground visit, unless the implant can bу temporary taken off (e.g. hearing aid).

The ALICE underground tour includes stairs made of metal mesh. Therefore, visitors wearing high/narrow heels or flip-flops are not allowed underground. For the same reason, the ALICE underground areas are not accessible to wheelchair users. Additionally, visitors who require crutches for walking cannot visit the cavern due to potential risks during an evacuation

ALICE entrance is equipped with a radiation gate monitor. For this reason, visitors having undergone radioactive treatment can access the cavern only during CERN opening hours (week days, 9h-17h) in order for the RSO to deactivate the security alarm. Only radioactive tracer recently done could eventually trigger the Gate monitor at PX24.

Practical info:

To access the ALICE site, every person must possess a CERN access card valid for the day of the visit. It could be a regular plastic card of a person associated with CERN (e.g. a User), or a temporary visitor card printed on paper. If you don't yet have a CERN visitor card valid for the day of the visit - please, request the temporary card via the Indico page while registering. In case of exceptional difficulties with registration, please, contact the organizers before Feb 16th, 14h00.

The doors of the ALICE solenoid magnet stay closed now, so the view over the underground facilities is partially obstructed.

Temperature in the ALICE entrance hall is close to the temperature outiside. Most of the tour time will be spent in the exhibition (room temperature) and in the ALICE underground cavern (~19-20°C). Please, avoid taking large items underground - we will ask you to leave your large bags on surface (>~20L).

Toilets are available for visitors at the ALICE site on the ground level, at the start and at the end of the tour.

For operational reasons, we cannot accept those visitors coming late for the tour by more than 5 minutes.


722C+HC Saint-Genis-Pouilly, France
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Registration for this event is currently open.