Workshop Scope and Goals: REDWOOD is a small collaboration of investigators from diverse fields of physical sciences combining their efforts to solve the very difficult challenge of complex workflows on large volumes of data distributed across multiple systems. The collaboration includes the University of Pittsburgh, Carnegie Mellon University, The University of Massachussets (Amherst), Brookhaven National Laboratory, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, and SLAC. Their efforts are set to benefit the ATLAS experiment, the Vera Rubin Observatory, and Fusion experiments at ORNL. Workflow management involves the software infrastructure to manage the processing steps which may include simulation, reconstruction, data analysis, or near real-time acquisition and processing of experimental data. Currently, for example, in ATLAS, over 1 million computational tasks execute concurrently on thousands of compute nodes. The collaboration operates on four tracks: Worflow algorithms, near real-time applications, workflow monitoring, and modeling & simulation of workflow. The geographically dispersed collaboration meets 2-3 times per year to insure sufficient contact between the four subgroups.
Dates: July 21-25 2025, with first two days for collaborative writing an programming (Salle des Presidents) and the final three days for presentations and executive sessions (Salled des Lombardes)
Location: Tour Lombarde, Conthey Switzerland
Banquet venue: TBA
Local Organizers: Joe Boudreau, Raees Khan, Tania Korchuganova
External Organizers: Alexei Klimentov
The Zoom room link for the conference is:
- Passcode: 89864368
To acquire the Zoom room password, kindly send an email to any of the individuals listed in the Contact section.
A registration fee of CHF 200/Person will be collected at the workshop