TH Heavy Ion Coffee

Quantum resources for quantum technologies: generation, storage, and certification

by Marcin Plodzien (ICFO)

4/2-037 - TH meeting room (CERN)

4/2-037 - TH meeting room


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Quantum coherence, entanglement, and Bell correlations are essential resources for future quantum technologies, including quantum communication, computation, simulation, and metrology. A main challenge is the generation, storage, characterization, and effective utilization of large-scale many-body quantum correlations. In this talk, we will discuss recent theoretical tools for the characterization of many-body quantum resources and present experimental protocols for their generation. Finally, we will introduce a quantum state tomography protocol enhanced by deep learning techniques to achieve efficient density matrix reconstruction from a limited number of measurements, thereby enabling the certification of quantum resources.

Zoom Meeting ID
Elena Gianolio
Alternative hosts
Giuliano Giacalone, Govert Hugo Nijs, Joao Lourenco Henriques Barata, AVC support account, Enrico Speranza, Urs Wiedemann, Wilke Van Der Schee
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