Science Gateway Facilities Training
Before joining this training, you should have joined the Introduction Course:
This course is mandatory for any CERN Guide signing up for activities taking place in CERN Science Gateway : exhibitions, lab workshops and science shows.
It can be followed before or after activity-specific trainings but before signing up for any activity in the Science Gateway.
In one hour, you will visit Science Gateway spaces, understand how visitor flow works, learn how to react in case of evacuation or technical problem etc.
Join the Science Gateway red jacket team !
The meeting point will be at the CERN Guides Space (building 86), entrance from the left side of the building.
If the training is already fully booked, please check the Indico side the three days before (and even on the same day), because guides who are registered receive a reminder three days before and might then withdraw if spontaneously not available. Please don't just show up without confirmation.
For questions, you can send an email to