J. Nedeljkovic
(Vinca Institute of Nuclear Sciences, Serbia)
13/09/2011, 09:00
L. Zawiejski
(IFJ PAN Krakow, Poland)
13/09/2011, 09:30
S. Kollowa
(DESY Zeuthen/BTU Cottbus, Germany)
13/09/2011, 09:55
O. Novgorodova
(DESY, Germany)
13/09/2011, 10:50
I. Levy
(University of Tel Aviv, Israel - EVO link)
13/09/2011, 11:15
A. Jenkins
(University of Colorado at Boulder, USA - EVO link)
13/09/2011, 14:00
S. Lukic
(Vinca Institute of Nuclear Sciences, Serbia)
13/09/2011, 14:25
M. Pandurovic
(Vinca Institute of Nuclear Sciences, Serbia)
13/09/2011, 14:50
I. Smiljanic
(Vinca Institute of Nuclear Sciences, Serbia)
13/09/2011, 15:30
A. Sailer
(CERN, Switzerland)
13/09/2011, 15:55
R. Schwartz
(University of Tel Aviv, Israel - EVO link)
13/09/2011, 16:20
K. Elsener
(CERN, Switzerland)
13/09/2011, 16:45
L. Di Ciaccio
(LAPP Annecy, France)
14/09/2011, 09:35
S. Kulis
(AGH-UST Krakow, Poland)
14/09/2011, 10:45
M. Idzik
(AGH-UST Krakow, Poland)
14/09/2011, 11:10
J. Aguilar
(Akademia Gorniczo-Hutnicza University of Science and Technology)
14/09/2011, 11:25
B. Schumm
(SCIPP/University of California, USA - EVO link)
14/09/2011, 13:45
A. Rosca
(DESY, Germany)
14/09/2011, 14:10