7–9 May 2012
University of Pittsburgh
US/Eastern timezone

Iso-spin violating dark matter at the LHC

8 May 2012, 15:15
120 (Lawrence)



parallel talk DM II


Dr Toshifumi Yamada (University of Tokyo)


We consider a simple model of dark matter where a SM gauge singlet Dirac fermion couples to quarks through contact interactions.
Motivated by the recent data from dark matter direct detection experiments, we focus on the case where the dark matter couples to right-handed up- and down-quarks through different coupling constants, violating the iso-spin. We discuss how this iso-spin violation can be observed through large missing ET channels at the LHC.


Prof. Danny Marfatia (University of Kansas) Prof. Kaoru Hagiwara (KEK) Dr Toshifumi Yamada (University of Tokyo)

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