7–9 May 2012
University of Pittsburgh
US/Eastern timezone

Kinematic Cusps to determine the slepton and LSP masses at the ILC

8 May 2012, 15:00
120 (Lawrence)



parallel talk DM II


Stefanus Stefanus


Recently the cusps and endpoints in some kinematic distributions of the antler decay at the LHC can probe the masses of the parity-odd missing energy particles as well as the intermediate particles. We extend this study into the high energy $e^+ e^-$ linear collider, which will provide unambiguous c.m. frame and energy. We found new and more powerful cusp structures of new kinematic observables, possible only at the ILC. As a benchmark scenario, we study $e^+ e^-\to \smu_{R,L}^+\smu_{R,L}^-\mu^+ \mu^- \neuo\neuo$ with SPS 1a parameter set in the framework of the minimal supersymmetric standard model.


Dr Neil Christensen (University of Pittsburgh)


Prof. Jeonghyeon Song (assistant professor) Stefanus Stefanus Tao Han (University of Pittsburgh)

Presentation materials