7–9 May 2012
University of Pittsburgh
US/Eastern timezone

Boosted tops as a window to new physics

8 May 2012, 17:45
106 (Lawrence)



parallel talk Top Physics Top IV


Dr Michihisa TAKEUCHI (Uni Heidelberg)


Top momentum reconstruction often plays an important role for new physics signal reconstruction at the LHC. In principle Hadronically decaying top is possible to reconstruct its momentum fully but suffering from large QCD and combinatorics background. Starting from geometrically large size of jets and looking into their substructure, we can efficiently reduce these background. We develop HEPTopTagger by adopting combination of Cambridge/Aachen algorithm and mass drop criterion. As the application for physics cases, we illustrate scalar top reconstruction and top forward-backward asymmetry.


Dr Michihisa TAKEUCHI (Uni Heidelberg)

Presentation materials