
Policy Issues

3 Nov 2011, 09:30


STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory Harwell Oxford Didcot OX11 0QX United Kingdom


The national identity federations and the pan-European coordination bodies represent key stakeholders. Representatives from these organisations have been invited to speak in this session and address a set of key policy questions put to them by representatives from each of the scientific communities participating in this workshop.

Presentation materials

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03/11/2011, 09:30
Jens Jensen (CLRC-RAL)
03/11/2011, 09:40
Jim Basney (University of Illinois)
03/11/2011, 09:55
John White White (Helsinki Institute of Physics (FI))
03/11/2011, 10:10
Mikael Linden (eduGAIN)
03/11/2011, 10:25
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