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Theory Colloquia

Electroweak Baryogenesis in Two Higgs Doublet Models

by Jim Cline (MC Gill Univ.)

TH Theory Conference Room (CERN)

TH Theory Conference Room


Inspired by recent hints of new CP violation in B meson decays, we have made an exhaustive analysis of electroweak baryogenesis in two Higgs doublet models with minimal flavor violation. Even though LHCb now disfavors such new CP violation, our results are still interesting, showing that it is more difficult (though still possible) to get a large enough baryon asymmetry in these models than previous analyses suggested. We need for the standard model-like Higgs to be light (< 140 GeV), and the heavy neutral Higgses may be discoverable at LHC through their decays into WW and ZZ