3–5 Sept 2007
Europe/Zurich timezone

Generic studies of radioactivity induced by high energy beams in different absorber materials

5 Sept 2007, 09:40
40-S2-D01 (CERN)



Geneva, Switzerland
Generic studies of radioactivity induced by high energy beams in different absorber materials Session 5: Codes and simulations results




A rigorous campaign of benchmark measurements for materials typically used at accelerators has shown the high accuracy of FLUKA calculations for isotope production and residual dose rates. Accurate estimates of both quantities are important during all phases of an accelerator, i.e., design, operation and decommissioning. A detailed implementation of geometries and accurate consideration of loss assumptions allows optimizing the layout of components and performing detailed intervention planning starting already efficiently during the design phase. Recent design modifications have shown the need to derive practical scaling coefficients in order to quickly asses how estimated results can be roughly scaled for different assumptions affecting the calculated quantities, e.g.: chosen materials; beam energies and particles; loss conditions, cooling times and beam impact parameters. This talk gives an overview of dedicated generic simulations and the comparison of residual dose rates for different chosen representative configurations. Furthermore, the major contributing isotopes are derived and obtained results are compared to those of dedicated simulations (TDI, IR7 collimators, etc). Co-authors: ROESLER Stefan (CERN), FORKEL-WIRTH Doris (CERN)


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