Herta Richter
04/09/2007, 14:00
Measurement of shock waves and vibrations
04/09/2007, 14:30
Accelerometer and microphone measurements
Sound and vibration measurements of the LHC collimator were performed
with various accelerometers and a microphone during collimator
robustness tests in 2004 and 2006. The collimator jaws were hit by
450 GeV protons beam of up to 3.5x10e13, equivalent to a total energy
of about 2.4 MJ (0.65% of the nominal LHC beam at 7 TeV). It was
demonstrated that these measurements can be used to...
Massimiliano AVALLE
04/09/2007, 15:00
Experimental methods for material measurements at high strain-rate
The detailed mechanical characterization of a material is the very first step in the design of structural components.
Depending on the type of application (dynamic, impact, thermal loading, fatigue...) different types of tests,
experimental methods, and testing equipments are required. After a general introduction about the effects of dynamic
loading on material behaviour, several...
04/09/2007, 15:55
Irradiation damage in LHC beam collimating materials
Demand for high-performance materials that can safely intercept the LHC proton beam has prompted an
extensive experimental study focusing on material degradation due to long radiation exposure. Given the
multi-MW class of the beam interception process at LHC combined with the stringent positional requirements
on the intercepting elements, the envelope of the current knowledge regarding...
Alexander RYAZANOV
04/09/2007, 16:25
Studies of radiation effects on graphite collimator materials
The effect of the 7 TeV proton beam irradiation on degradation of physical mechanical properties of graphite
collimator materials for LHC is very important for the understanding of stability the collimators during operation
of the LHC. At such high energies the carbon atoms in graphite collimator materials of LHC can get also
very high energy with primary knock on carbon atoms (PKA)...