23 January 2012
Nikhef, Amsterdam
Europe/Zurich timezone


Global Prioritization and Disruptive Changes: Panel

23 Jan 2012, 15:20
H.331 (Nikhef, Amsterdam)


Nikhef, Amsterdam

Science Park 105 1098 XG Amsterdam


Panel Members: Alessandra Forti, Gonzalo Merino, Rob Quick, Ian Collier, I Ueda, Alessandro Di Girolamo, Ian Fisk, Cattaneo Marco, Stefan Roiser, Costin Grigoras, Jamie Shiers, Markus Schulz

Members may propose a few (max 3) priorities/disruptive changes that they would like to propose across the five working groups

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
23/01/2012, 15:40
23/01/2012, 17:00
Building timetable...