A&T Seminar

From point cloud acquisition to 3D model - As Built and Reverse Engineering at CERN using 3D laser scanning technologies

by Aurelie Maurisset (CERN), Dirk Mergelkuhl (CERN)

864/1-D02 - BE Auditorium Prevessin (CERN)

864/1-D02 - BE Auditorium Prevessin


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The laser scanning technologies have been developed for 15 year. These technologies are used in various domains, such as justice, medicine, archaeology, architecture and also industry. In the last years, many improvements have been done on the instrumentation: more compact and accurate, faster data acquisition etc. This seminar will present the state of the art in laser scanning technologies with their principles and associated precisions ranging from some millimetres to several hundredths of a millimetre. This part will be followed by a presentation of the point cloud data processing to obtain 3D models which can be imported in CAD systems and of the information that can be extracted from these models. It will be illustrated by examples based on tests and real case measurements done in the experimental areas in the last three years at CERN through a BE-ABP-SU/PH-DT collaborative work. The presentation will show how the benefits of 3D Laser Scanning could be exploited in the future in a sharing of tasks between the surveyor and the engineering and design offices.
Organised by

W. Herr (BE), S. Sgobba (EN), G. deRijk (TE)