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CRISP IT&DM Phone Call



Contact Details:

Please call +41 22 76 77 000 and ask to be connected to the CRISP Meeting.

  1. Status Reports:
    1. WP16
    2. WP17
    3. WP18
    4. WP19
  2. Report from the Federation Workshop
  3. Alfresco Share
  4. Information Gathering Status
  5. Questionnaire Planning
  6. AOB

Attendance: Laurence Field, Heinz Weyer, Krzysztof Wrona
Apologies: Jean-François Perrin

1) Status Reports

WP16: Two things, working on the prototype and planning the friendly user phase. Preparing for the Hamburg meeting. Understanding how to deal with facilities that can not use the Umbrella system. 

WP17: Contacted all partners and have a clearer idea of the interest of each one. CERN and ESRF are in decision/recruitment process consequently the real work has not yet started. Presented CRISP and mainly the IT topics during the PaNData-ODI Kickoff meeting at RAL, there was a large audience for such meeting (70~80 attendees). 

WP18: Had a teleconference between the participants, mainly focused on organizational issues. New people have joined the WP, ESRF is in recruitment process, GANIL still needs to find someone. Trying to find out the interest from the participants. Will have the second phone call at the beginning of December. 

WP19: Had a brainstorming session between the CERN participants to define the information that we would like to obtain using the questionnaire. Documented the result on the wiki and disseminated this to all the participants in the WP. This will be the main discussion point in the next WP19 phone conference. 

2) Report from the federation workshop

The main point was trying to get common ideas. The aim is to have something ready for the next meeting in February in Taipei. There seems to be contrasting needs between observational and experimental science. In general the CRISP presentation was well received. 

Action: Jean-François; Upload the slides to Alfresco.

3) Alfresco Share
Action: WP16, WP17 and WP18 should create a wiki page and link to it from the IT&DM page. The goal is to organize information in such a way that it is easily found from the IT&DM page.

4) Information Gathering
WP19 has started to understand the information required from the questionnaire. This information will be used as input to the requirements documents. 

Action: WP16, WP17 and WP18 should document what information they hope to obtain by using the questionnaire. 

5) Questionnaire
Aiming to have the questionnaire ready before the Christmas holiday period. We will have another phone call in December to discuss this further. 

Action: Laurence to arrange the next meeting. 


Question: Is there a template for the documents?

Action: Laurence to find out if there is a template for the documents.

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