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The Marvelous year 1911. Curie 2 - Rutherford 1

by Prof. cecilia jarlskog (lund university)

Auditorium B (University of Bergen, Department of Physics and Technology)

Auditorium B

University of Bergen, Department of Physics and Technology

Allegaten 55, 5007 Bergen, Norway
Two important happenings in 1911 were the discovery of the atomic nucleus by Rutherford and the award of Nobel Prize in chemistry to Marie Curie. Based largely on material in Nobel archives, these events will be discussed, and the question of why Curie got two Prizes but the discovery of the atomic nucleus was not honoured.

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       ID: 433 2134
Central European Time (+0100)
       Start   2011-11-18  13:30
       End     2011-11-18  16:00

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       +41 22 76 71400
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Per, Jan