Howie Baer
If the lightest neutralino is a stable thermal relic from the Big Bang,
thus comprising dark matter (DM) in the Universe, its relic abundance
can be used to severely constrain the parameter space of supersymmetric
models. For instance, in the paradigm mSUGRA model, each DM allowed
region gives rise to distinct signatures for new physics at the LHC.
We explore an array of well-motivated scenarios with non-universal soft terms
--normal scalar mass hierarchy, non-universal Higgs models, mixed wino DM,
bino-wino co-annihilation (BWCA) DM, low M_3 (compressed) SUSY, mixed
higgsino DM, mixed moduli-AMSB DM-- and show that each of these gives rise
to distinct characteristics that ought to be measureable by the Atlas and CMS
experiments starting next year at the LHC.