14–17 Nov 2012
Grand Hotel, Pusan, South Korea
Asia/Seoul timezone

QCD at finite temperature under magnetic field

16 Nov 2012, 13:55
Sky Hall (22nd) (Grand Hotel)

Sky Hall (22nd)

Grand Hotel


Dr Seung-il Nam (Korea INstitute for Advanced Study (KIAS), Republic of Korea)


In this talk, I report recent progresses on the nonperturbative QCD at finite temperature under external magnetic field. QCD phase transition, chiral magnetic effects, magnetic catalysis, and QGP transport coefficients are explored in terms of the instanton vacuum configuration consistently. We also discuss future perspective on this direction via effective chiral theories. S.i.Nam, Phys.Rev. D86, 033014 (2012) S.i.Nam, C.W.Kao, Phys.Rev. D83, 096009 (2011) S.i.Nam, C.W.Kao, Phys.Rev. D82, 096001 (2010) S.i.Nam, Phys.Rev. D82, 045017 (2010)


Dr Seung-il Nam (Korea INstitute for Advanced Study (KIAS), Republic of Korea)

Presentation materials