14–17 Nov 2012
Grand Hotel, Pusan, South Korea
Asia/Seoul timezone

Demonstration of WLCG Tier1 Services for ALICE at KISTI-GSDC

16 Nov 2012, 15:05
Nam-won (2nd) (Grand Hotel)

Nam-won (2nd)

Grand Hotel


Dr Sang Un Ahn (Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information)


WLCG is a vital part of the recent success of CERN LHC experiments. KISTI-GSDC had prepared for participating in WLCG as Tier1 center based on its experience of successful operation of Tier2 and KiAF. In March 2012, WLCG approved KISTI-GSDC as a candidate of new Tier1 center for ALICE experiment and KISTI-GSDC became a full member of ALICE experiment. In this talk, the current status of KISTI-GSDC Tier1 center will be presented as well as the next milestones will be summarized.


Dr Sang Un Ahn (Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information)


Dr Christophe Bonnaud (Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information) Mr Gianni Mario Ricciardi (Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information) Dr Haeng Jin Jang (Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information) Mr Heejun Yoon (Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information) Mr Il Yeon Yeo (Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information) Dr Sang Oh Park (Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information) Mr Seunghee Lee (Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information) Dr Sul-Ah Ahn (Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information)

Presentation materials