14–17 Nov 2012
Grand Hotel, Pusan, South Korea
Asia/Seoul timezone

From the universe to relativistic heavy-ion collisions: CMBR fluctuations and flow anisotropies

15 Nov 2012, 17:05
Sky Hall (22nd) (Grand Hotel)

Sky Hall (22nd)

Grand Hotel


Prof. Ajit Srivastava (Institute of Physics, Bhubaneswar, India)


We discuss a deep interconnection between the physics of initial state spatial anisotropies in relativistic heavy-ion collision experiments (RHICE) and the anisotropies observed in cosmic microwave background radiation (CMBR). This is due to the presence of superhorizon fluctuations in both cases which, for CMBR case, have origin in the inflationary phase of the universe, while for RHICE these arise from very early thermalization. Using this we show how CMBR analysis tools can be used for RHICE to investigate the physics of the system during early transient stages of QGP phase. We discuss the possibility of observing features like CMBR acoustic peaks in RHICE.
Keywords CMBR, flow fluctuations, superhorizon, heavy-ion collisions


Prof. Ajit Srivastava (Institute of Physics, Bhubaneswar, India)

Presentation materials