14–17 Nov 2012
Grand Hotel, Pusan, South Korea
Asia/Seoul timezone

Chiral anomaly and local polarization effect from quantum kinetic approach

15 Nov 2012, 10:50
Sky Hall (22nd) (Grand Hotel)

Sky Hall (22nd)

Grand Hotel


Prof. Qun Wang (Univ of Science and Technology of China)


Induced vector and axial vector currents are derived from solving the quantum kinetic equations for spin-1/2 charged fermions in a constant external field via a consistent iterative scheme. Chiral current anomaly $\partial_\mu j_5^\mu = C E\cdot B$, vector current conservation $\partial_\mu j^\mu =0$ and the energy-momentum conservation $\partial_\mu T^{\mu\nu}=QF^{\nu\rho} j_\rho$ are all natural consequences of the solutions. This provides an independent derivation of the chiral anomaly from kinetic approach. The induced chiral current from vorticity is argued to lead to a local polarization effect along the vorticity direction in heavy ion collisions.


Prof. Jian-hua Gao (Shandong Univ) Prof. Qun Wang (Univ of Science and Technology of China) Dr Shi Pu (Univ of Science and Technology of China) Prof. Xin-nian Wang (Berkeley Lab) Prof. Zuo-tang Liang (Shandong Univ)

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