Xianglei Zhu
(Tsinghua University)
Strange hadron production is a sensitive probe to the reaction dynamics of nucleus-nucleus collisions. The enhancement of their yields in A+A collisions relative to that in p+p at the same energy has long been regarded as one of the signatures of Quark-Gluon Plasma formation in these collisions. The measurement of their nuclear modification factors, baryon to meson ratios and elliptic flow are also excellent tests of recombination/coalescence models. In particular, the multi-strange particles, $\Omega$ and $\phi$, are golden probes to the early deconfined phase due to their small cross sections in the hadronic rescattering phase.
We will present an overview of the recent strangeness measurements in heavy ion collisions experiments at RHIC and LHC. The physics implications on the collision dynamics will also be discussed.
Xianglei Zhu
(Tsinghua University)