14–17 Nov 2012
Grand Hotel, Pusan, South Korea
Asia/Seoul timezone

MUSIC+UrQMD : A hybrid model for heavy ion collision

15 Nov 2012, 13:55
Sky Hall (22nd) (Grand Hotel)

Sky Hall (22nd)

Grand Hotel


Sangwook Ryu (McGill University)


We present a hybrid model of hydrodynamics and Boltzmann transport model for heavy ion collision. Even though hydrodynamics is successful in explaining experimental results such as particle spectra and geometric flows, it is incomplete in the sense that hadronic secondary collisions and decays after freeze-out are not fully taken into account. We discuss development of MUSIC+UrQMD model by us, its implications on properties of QGP matter and further improvements.


Sangwook Ryu (McGill University)


Dr Bjoern Schenke (Brookhaven National Lab) Charles Gale (McGill University) Clint Young (McGill University) Sangyong Jeon (McGill University)

Presentation materials