14–17 Nov 2012
Grand Hotel, Pusan, South Korea
Asia/Seoul timezone

Proton mass and the EoS for compressed baryonic matter

14 Nov 2012, 17:40
Sky Hall (22nd) (Grand Hotel)

Sky Hall (22nd)

Grand Hotel


Prof. Mannque Rho (CEA Saclay and Hanyang University)


While hadronic matter at high temperature and zero density can be assessed by lattice QCD and eperiments, so is being understood well, little is known of the EoS of matter at high density and very low temperture. The QCD phase diagram for low temperture and high density is in fact a more or less uncharted domain. I will discuss how to first probe the density regime just above the saturation density with RIB machines of the KoRIA type, then go to the temperature and density regime of FAIR that overlaps with the conditions met in merging and/or collapse of massive stars that could be measured in gravity wave and then ultimately to unravel that in which hadronic phase and strong-coupled quark phase coxist, giving rise to massive stars of ~ 2.4 times solar mass. In this consideration, the effect of unbreaking chiral symmetry on the proton mass plays an important role. This development offers a promising new field of research for the Korean heavy-ion and astrophysics communities in conjuction with the construction of the RIB accelerator KoRIA and the esblishmend of the IBS (Insitute for Basic Science).
Keywords proton mass, CBM, EoS, compact stars, KoRIA/IBS


Prof. Mannque Rho (CEA Saclay and Hanyang University)

Presentation materials