Bowen Xiao
(Central China Normal University)
15/11/2012, 13:30
A complete calculation of dijet production in various processes will be presented in this talk. It is well-known that k_t factorization is violated in dijet production in hadron-hadron collision. However, we found that one can reach an effective k_t factorization in pA collision by modifying the nucleus parton distribution. In addition, we find that there are two fundamental unintegrated gluon...
Sanshiro Mizuno
(University of Tsukuba (JP))
15/11/2012, 13:55
Particle species dependence of transverse momentum distribution and azimuthal anisotoropy have been studied actively because they reveal information about the QGP generated in high energy heavy ion collisions.
From the study of elliptic event anisotropy v_{2}, we have understood that azimuthal anisotropy is generated by initial participant geometry, with a role for the QGP property $\eta$/s...
Guang-You Qin
(Duke University)
15/11/2012, 14:20
Jet modification and energy loss play important roles in exploring the novel properties of the hot and dense quark-gluon plasma. The correlations between back-to-back photon-jet and Z0-jet pairs have been regarded as the golden channels for jet quenching study in relativistic heavy-ion collisions. I will present recent progress on the study of jet modification and photon production, and...
Guo-Liang Ma
(Shanghai INstitute of Applied Physics (SINAP), CAS)
15/11/2012, 14:45
Large initial fluctuations lead to harmonic flows (v_n) and other final observations in relativistic heavy-ion collisions. Di-hadron azimuthal correlation consists of all contributions from harmonic flows, hot spots, and jet-medium excitations, which are isolated by using different initial conditions within AMPT model. However $\gamma$-hadron azimuthal correlation can only be caused by...