Ajit Srivastava
(Institute of Physics, Bhubaneswar, India)
15/11/2012, 17:05
We discuss a deep interconnection between the physics of initial state spatial anisotropies in relativistic heavy-ion collision
experiments (RHICE) and the anisotropies observed in cosmic microwave
background radiation (CMBR). This is due to the presence of
superhorizon fluctuations in both cases which, for CMBR case, have origin in the inflationary phase of the universe, while for RHICE...
Kang Seog Lee
(Chonnam National University)
15/11/2012, 17:30
Blast-wave model is used to fit the elliptic flow coefficient measured at RHIC energies by allowing the variation in the radii and expansion velocities as a function of angles in the transverse plane. Decay contribution from high-lying resonances to each hadron species is included which may help saturating v2 at high Pt. In the viscous relativistic hydrodynamic calculation, viscosity acts as a...
Hanzhong Zhang
(Institute of Particle Physics, Central China Normal University)
15/11/2012, 17:55
The effect of initial state fluctuations on jet energy loss in relativistic heavy-ion collisions is studied in a 2+1 dimension ideal hydrodynamic model. Within the next-to-leading order perturbative QCD description of
hard scatterings, we find that a jet loses slightly more energy in the expanding quark-gluon plasma if the latter is described by the hydrodynamic evolution with fluctuating...