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Kunsu Oh
(Pusan National University (KR))
15/11/2012, 17:05
The properties of the hot and dense nuclear matter produced at RHIC can be investigated in multiple ways by production of heavy quarks. Heavy flavor are produced in early stage of the collision and the mechanisms of their interaction with nuclear matter are not yet well understood. This can be studied by non-photonic (single) electrons coming from semi-leptonic decays of heavy flavor hadrons....
Kazuhiro Watanabe
(The University of Tokyo)
15/11/2012, 17:55
We study the parton saturation effects on heavy quark production in proton-nucleus collisions at collider energies, using the CGC formula proposed by Blaizot-Gelis-Venugopalan (Nucl.Phys.A743:57-91,2004). Previously it was numerically evaluated using the unintegrated gluon distribution from the McLerran-Venugopalan model including the x-evolution effect with the Balitsky-Kovchegov...
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