Sanjay K. Ghosh
(Bose Institute)
17/11/2012, 10:50
The underlying quark structure of hadrons suggets the possibility of a quark-hadron phase transition at high tempereature and/or density. Since a compact object like neutron star (NS) provide the natural scenario of high density, the suggestion for the existence of quark core inside such massive compact objects was put forward by Ivanenko and Kurdgelaidze in 1969 . The existence of 3-flavour...
Zhigang Xiao
(Tsinghua University)
17/11/2012, 11:20
For the equation of state (EOS) of neutron rich nuclear matter, what has been most uncertain is the symmetry energy term related to the energy cost of converting protons into neutrons in nuclear medium. Particularly at suprasaturation densities, the convincing density dependence of the symmetry energy is not yet available neither experimentally nor theoretically. Nuclear reactions,...
Sun Kee Kim
(Institute for Basic Science/ Rare Isotope Science Project)
17/11/2012, 11:50
Rare Isotope Science Project (RISP) is established in the Institute for Basic Science to lead the construction of heavy ion accelerator complex for the researches in the various fields with rare isotopes in Korea. The technical design of accelerator systems and experimental apparatus is in progress. The status and prospects of the project is reported.