9–11 May 2012
Europe/Zurich timezone
The collaboration meeting 9-11.5 will have several focuses:
1) The work-programme 2012-16
The work-programme for 2012-2016 has been defined and during the last months also tuned to the resources currently available at  CERN for the period, and the resources available in the collaboration (based on the input received in the November collaboration meeting). This meeting will be focused on the status of the work, next steps, and to identify concerns about contributions and planning. The meeting will allow for formal and informal meetings and contacts at work-package level to review the status.
2) Information about the project status
The accelerator and detector CDR as presented to the CERN Scientific Policy Committee, as well as the CTF3 status and plans. We will have presentation of some of the recent physics performance studies and ideas related to a staged implementation.
3) Discussion about key challenges for the future (2012-2020)
We will have three topical sessions related to future challenges; Gradient and energy reach of CLIC - focussing on X-band testing capabilities, Drive beam concept and initial project (CLIC zero) 2016-2022 including its preparation, and finally CLIC luminosity issues and related (system) tests
4) Collaboration Board and issues
There will be a collaboration board where among others we will elect the next CB chair, and discuss how we integrate/interact with a future global LC organization.
6/2-024 - BE Auditorium Meyrin
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