Quantum Gravity in Paris

from Monday 26 March 2012 (09:00) to Thursday 29 March 2012 (18:30)
LPT Orsay (26th, 27th, 28th) and APC Paris 7 (29th)

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
26 Mar 2012
27 Mar 2012
28 Mar 2012
29 Mar 2012
09:45 Vincent Rivasseau   (Welcome address)
10:00 Costas Bachas   (On the localization of gravity in string theory)
10:50 Carlo Rovelli   (Surprises in discretizing general-covariant systems)
11:40 --- Discussion ---
10:00 Petr Hořava   (Quantum gravity with anisotropic scaling and the multicritical universe)
10:50 Renaud Parentani   (Black hole lasers in Bose condensates and in Horava gravity)
11:40 --- Discussion ---
10:00 Thibaud Damour   (The gravity/coset conjecture and a possible algebraic description of emergent space)
10:50 Joseph Ben Geloun   (Renormalizable tensor field theories)
11:40 --- Discussion ---
10:00 Aurélien Barrau   (Loop quantum cosmology: a phenomenological perspective)
10:50 Christos Charmousis   (Self-tuning and the cosmological constant problem)
11:40 --- Discussion ---
12:20 --- Lunch ---
14:00 Pierre Vanhove   (The ultraviolet behaviour of N=4 and N=8 supergravity)
14:50 Daniele Oriti   (The quantum geometry of group field theories)
15:40 --- Coffee break ---
16:00 Emmanuel Guitter   (Distance statistics in random maps)
16:50 Dario Benedetti   (The local potential approximation in quantum gravity)
17:40 --- Discussion ---
12:20 --- Lunch ---
14:00 Bianca Dittrich   (Why spin foams are lattice gauge theories and why not)
14:50 Simone Speziale   (Twistor networks and spin foams)
15:40 --- Coffee break ---
16:00 Aristide Baratin   (State sum over geometries from a 2-category)
16:50 Razvan Gurau   (The large N limit of tensor models)
17:40 --- Discussion ---
12:20 --- Lunch ---
14:00 Sergei Alexandrov   (Twistor approach to string compactifications)
14:50 Valentin Bonzom   (Universality classes of random triangulations via tensor models)
15:40 --- Coffee break ---
16:00 Matteo Smerlak   (Divergences and gauge structure of Ponzano-Regge-like spinfoam models)
16:50 --- Discussion ---
12:20 --- Lunch ---
14:00 James Ryan   (Tensor models and their jacket structure)
14:50 Lorenzo Sindoni   (Towards coherent states for collective variables in loop quantum gravity)
15:40 --- Coffee break ---
16:00 Daniele Pranzetti   (Thermal radiation from quantum weakly-dynamical horizons in loop quantum gravity)
16:50 --- Discussion ---