Indico celebrates its 20th anniversary! Check our blog post for more information!

1st European Strategy Group Meeting

503/1-001 - Council Chamber (CERN)

503/1-001 - Council Chamber


Show room on map
    • 1
      • a) Status of the current strategy
      • b) Status and plan of the preparatory group work
    • 2
      Establish the list of items to be discussed by the Strategy Group before the Drafting meeting in January 2013
      • a) Revisiting the structure and organization for the European Strategy implementation for CERN as coordinator of European particle physics
      • b) Role of CERN in the European participation in global projects as coordinator of European particle physics
      • c) Role and definition of the National Laboratories in the European Strategy
      • d) Relation with other European bodies for CERN as coordinator of European particle physics
      • e) Outreach , Knowledge and Technology Transfer, Industry relation
      • f) Other non scientific issues to be included in the strategy
    • 3
      How do we address to those issues?
      • a) Formation of working groups
    • 10:45
      10.45: COFFEE
    • 4
      ESFRI and its relation with the European Strategy for Particle Physics (B. Vierkorn-Rudolph)
    • 5
      Working plan till the Drafting meeting in January 2013
    • 13:00
      13.00: LUNCH