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Course for application users, developers, and system administrators of Grid infrastructure (EGEE)

Institute of Informatics, Slovak Academy of Sciences

Institute of Informatics, Slovak Academy of Sciences

Dubravska cesta 9 845 07 Bratislava Slovakia
The course is intended to be the first step in the education and training of specialists for the Slovak Grid infrastructure based on EGEE II .
    • 1
      Introduction to Grid Computing
      Speaker: L. Hluchy, M. Dobrucky
      • a) EGEE project
      • b) Overview of Grid applications
    • 2
      Security in Grids
      Speaker: M. Dobrucky
    • 3
      Introduction to gLite
      Speaker: V. Sipkova
      • a) Description of main services
      • b) Mini-tutorial
    • 14:45
    • 4
      Porting applications to Grid
      Speaker: V. Tran
    • 5
      Installation of the Grid Site and its integration into the European Grid infrastructure
      Speaker: J. Astalos
      • a) Design of the Grid Site structure
      • b) Installation and Configuration of Grid Sites
      • c) Registration in EGEE infrastructure