Wei-Ming Yao
(Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (US))
We present the results of searches for the standard model Higgs boson at CDF in final states with bottom quarks. Results are derived from the complete Tevatron Run II dataset, with a measured integrated luminosity of 9.5/fb of proton-antiproton data. The searches are performed for assumed Higgs masses between 90 and 150 GeV, for Higgs bosons produced in association with associated W or Z bosons. Employing several improved techniques, these are currently the most sensitive searches in the world for these processes, surpassing previous CDF results by 30% beyond what would be expected from the addition of new data alone. Combining the search sensitivity of these production modes, 95% upper confidence limits on the standard model cross section times branching fraction are derived, yielding an observed (expected) upper limit of 4.3 (1.8) times the standard model prediction for a 125 GeV Higgs boson. The significance of the data relative to the background-only hypothesis is 2.7 sigma, currently the highest of any Higgs search in a single decay mode.
Wei-Ming Yao
(Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (US))