4–11 Jul 2012
Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre
Australia/Melbourne timezone
ICHEP2012 - 36th International Conference for High Energy Physics

Finding Stop with Azimuthal angle in 2jet+MET at the LHC

7 Jul 2012, 18:00
Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre

Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre

Melbourne Australia
Board: 14
Poster Sessions Track 2 - Beyond the Standard Model - SUSY Poster Session


Dr Doyoun Kim (Monash University (AU))


Suppressing the bunch of top quark background is essential in finding the top squark at the LHC. Currently we are not optimized in the discrimination of them. We suggest the azimuthal angle around the beam axis be a good discriminator and show its utility in the dijet+Missing Energy channel at the LHC with 14 TeV center of energy.


Dr Doyoun Kim (Monash University (AU))

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