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4–11 Jul 2012
Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre
Australia/Melbourne timezone
ICHEP2012 - 36th International Conference for High Energy Physics

ATLAS Electroweak measurements from W and Z properties

6 Jul 2012, 10:00
Plenary 3 (Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre)

Plenary 3

Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre

Melbourne Australia
Parallel Sessions Track 1 - The Standard Model and EW Symmetry Breaking - Higgs Searches Plenary3 - The Standard Model -TR1


Dr Joshua Moss (Ohio State University (US))


Precise measurements of W and Z production, including the polarisations of W bosons and of tau leptons produced in W decays are presented. They provide tests of lepton universality and constrain electroweak parameters.


Dr Joshua Moss (Ohio State University (US))

Presentation materials