4–11 Jul 2012
Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre
Australia/Melbourne timezone
ICHEP2012 - 36th International Conference for High Energy Physics

Search for resonant diboson production with the ATLAS detector

7 Jul 2012, 11:15
Room 219 (Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre)

Room 219

Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre

Melbourne Australia
Parallel Sessions Track 3 - BSM - Non-SUSY Exotics Room 219 - BSM - Non-SUSY - TR3


Mr Giovanni Zevi Della Porta (Harvard University (US))


The study of electroweak boson pair production is a powerful test of the spontaneously broken gauge symmetry of the Standard Model (SM) and can be used to search for phenomena beyond the SM. Heavy articles decaying to gauge boson pairs are predicted by many scenarios of new physics, including Extra Dimensions, and Technicolor models. We present generic searches for a heavy particle decaying to a pair of boson. The talk presents results from searches done in several gauge bosons decay channels using the data sample recorded in 2011 at sqrt(s)=7 TeV centre-of-mass energy by the ATLAS experiment at the LHC.


Mr Giovanni Zevi Della Porta (Harvard University (US))

Presentation materials