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4–11 Jul 2012
Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre
Australia/Melbourne timezone
ICHEP2012 - 36th International Conference for High Energy Physics

B to Kstar and Bs to phi form factors at low recoil from lattice QCD

7 Jul 2012, 18:00
Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre

Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre

Melbourne Australia
Board: 34
Poster Sessions Track 7. CP Violation, CKM, Rare Decays, Meson Spectroscopy Poster Session


Dr Matthew Wingate (University of Cambridge (UK))


We present our calculation of B to Kstar and Bs to phi form factors (and those for B to rho and Bs to Kstar). These are obtained from lattice QCD calculations which include the effects of up, down, and strange sea quarks and use the nonrelativistic formulation for the bottom quark. Results are obtained directly in the low recoil (large q-squared) kinematic range, complementing results obtained using light-cone sum rules. The ability to determine these form factors accurately is a key ingredient in searches for and constraints on the types of BSM physics which can contribute to rare B decays.


Dr Matthew Wingate (University of Cambridge (UK))


Prof. Ronald Horgan (University of Cambridge) Dr Stefan Meinel (College of William and Mary) Dr Zhaofeng Liu (IHEP, Beijing)

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