Frank Simon
(Max-Planck-Institut für Physik (DE))
The Compact Linear Collider CLIC with e+e- collisions up to 3 TeV in energy is designed to precisely explore New Physics at the TeV scale as well as Standard Model Physics such as the Higgs Mechanism. It will be capable of precisely measuring the masses and couplings of new particles, the mass, decay branching ratios and the self-coupling of the Higgs Boson as well as the parameters of the top quark. The detector systems at this collider have to provide highly efficient tracking and excellent jet energy resolution and hermeticity for multi-TeV final states with multiple jets and leptons as well as precise flavor tagging. In addition, the detector systems have to be capable of performing in an environment of large beam-induced backgrounds at a bunch crossing frequency of 2 GHz. Based on the ILC detector concepts, the CLIC detectors are adapted to meet this challenges with precise timing, dense calorimeter systems using Tungsten absorbers and sophisticated event reconstruction techniques based on particle flow algorithms with the inclusion of timing information. We will discuss the physics program of CLIC in view of a realistic implementation in a staged construction, and present highlights of the detectors and reconstruction algorithms developed during the recently completed conceptual design phase of CLIC.
Frank Simon
(Max-Planck-Institut für Physik (DE))