Steinar Stapnes
The Compact Linear Collider (CLIC) project explores the possibility of constructing a future multi-TeV linear electron-positron collider. The CLIC-concept is based on high gradient normal-conducting accelerating structures. The RF power for the acceleration of the colliding beams is produced by a novel two beam acceleration scheme, where power is extracted from a high current drive beam that runs parallel with the main linac. In order to establish the feasibility of this concept a number of key issues have been addressed, covering concept verification, accelerator parameters, component development, alignment and stability. The CLIC physics potential and main detector issues, as well as possible implementation stages are being studied in parallel.
A summary of the progress and status of the corresponding studies will be given, as well as an outline of the preparation and work towards developing a CLIC implementation plan by 2016.
Steinar Stapnes