Ming-Chuan Chang
(Fu Jen Catholic University (TW))
Many extensions of the Standard Model introduce additional Higgs fields that include one or more dark Higgs bosons to the interactions. Such a gauge boson, also known as a dark photon, typically has very weak coupling to Standard Model particles. Experimental results from direct dark matter searches (e.g., DAMA/LIBRA) and other experimental anomalies (e.g., $g-2$) can be explained by such an additional interaction. Dark gauge bosons are typically of low mass, of order MeV to GeV. The ideal tools to discover such particles are therefore not high-energy collider experiments but lower-energy high-luminosity collider experiments like Belle and BaBar or dedicated fixed target experiments, several of which are planned or already under construction: at JLAB (Newport News, USA) and MAMI (Mainz, Germany), for example. In Belle, the search for the dark photon focuses on the so-called Higgs-strahlung channel, as proposed by Batell et al., where a dark photon and a dark Higgs are produced. Preliminary results will be presented and discussed.
Ming-Chuan Chang
(Fu Jen Catholic University (TW))